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2024 Long Island Media Arts Show Poster Design Contest:



Hey aspiring artists and designers!


Here's your chance to shine. The 2024 Long Island Media Arts Show Conference is searching for its official poster, and it could be your design!


Contest Highlights:


  • Event Date: April 12th, 2024

  • Location: Five Towns College

  • Eligibility: Open to all high school students currently enrolled in a design program.

  • Nature: Can be undertaken as a class project or an individual assignment within the class.


Theme: “The Sound of Success: Exploring Creative Pathways in the Digital Realm"


Rules & Guidelines:


  1. Your design must encapsulate the theme The Sound of Success: Exploring Creative Pathways in the Digital Realm", date of event , and location ( Five Towns College).”

  2. Poster dimensions should measure 17x23 inches.  

  3. All submissions must be 100% original. Absolutely no stock imagery will be accepted.

  4. Every digital asset incorporated in your design should be an original creation.

  5. In case your poster gets selected, you will be asked to submit all your design assets separately. So, remember to keep and store all original components and files.

  6. Submissions must be made by December 1st, 2023.


Copyright & Original Content Guidelines:


  • All entries must be the sole, original work of the entrants.

  • Use of third-party, non-original material will lead to immediate disqualification.

  • Five Towns College reserves the right to disqualify any entry that does not adhere to the guidelines or if it deems inappropriate in any manner.

  • ​

The selected design will grace the event as the official poster for the LIMAS 2024 Conference. Don't miss this fantastic chance to display your creativity and possibly see your artwork representing a major event!


Best of luck! 

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